View our full Strategic Plan here:
Our Goals Explained
Love Learning permeates throughout the culture and strategic operations of our school and can be understood in six key areas of focus:
Pursuing and celebrating academic excellence.
We value learning as the ability to make sense of the world. We do this by connecting the unknown to the known, thereby expanding our knowledge base. The more we know, the easier it becomes to interpret new and different information and develop an understanding of the patterns of life. Our ability to acquire and apply new information and skills is crucial to our development. Learning is an exploration into the space of possibilities, converting unstructured information into meaningful and useful knowledge and skills, to prepare for and contribute to the future. In the process of learning, we value expert teaching and evidence informed instruction to support, enrich and extend all in the pursuit of academic excellence.
Living and sharing the beauty of faith in Jesus.
By the time a student leaves NBCS, our aim is that they understand the Christian message of dignity, truth, grace, forgiveness, and hope. We believe Jesus’ life, death and resurrection underpin these ideas, and we celebrate that we can be reconciled to Him. NBCS strives to honour the students and families as they question and form their own beliefs. We want students to leave with open hearts as their faith journey continues. Our staff seek to live and share the beauty of faith in Jesus. We do this to serve and contribute to God’s good world.
Nurturing and growing our community.
NBCS is steadfastly committed to supporting the positive behaviour and wellbeing of all students. We partner with families in striving to know and understand each child. Our goal is for every student to develop their social and emotional maturity and the values required to thrive. Through evidence-informed programs, students develop their relational ability and resilience, as they pursue opportunities to serve the community.
Extending opportunities and enriching lives.
Whether it is creative and performing arts, music, debating and public speaking, outdoor adventure, service, sport, media, or technology, we seek to give our students the chance to discover and grow their God-given talents. These opportunities often lead to new interests, enabling our students to develop confidence as lifelong learners and participants.
Shaping and engaging talented Christian staff.
Exceptional staff make exceptional schools. Developing our teachers, and the staff who support them, is an ongoing priority. Effective teaching is shaped by the appointment and development of quality staff who share a commitment to learning and the Christian faith. By working together, we create and maintain a strong learning culture for all and improve learning outcomes for our students.
Inspiring and invigorating learning.
Our state-of-the-art campus reflects the important balance between form and function. It is shaped by the belief that learning spaces and technology must meet the needs of students and teachers, while inspiring new possibilities for learning. Our facilities exist to help bring our Mission and Vision to life.