HSC Results 2024
Tim Watson, Principal
From the Principal
Today is a day of celebration.
Congratulations to all of Year 12, 2024. We love the way that you have grown together, supported each other, worked hard, and enjoyed yourselves along the way. We appreciate the way that Year 12 have led the school and continued the process of shaping a successful and nurturing learning culture for our students.
We acknowledge our students for their results, but more so for their character. They did the hard work, and they carried the load together. We know, though, that without the encouragement and support of parents, families and teachers, the journey would have been inexorably harder.
The main product of school is learning. Some of NBCS’s happy other products are wellbeing, character, opportunity, friendships, and results. Today is the day that the world around us focuses on results. As a consequence, we do too. The results for the class of 2024 are strong, measured together or individually. Their results will open doors for them into what’s next, but it is their character and learning that will propel Year 12 2024 into a wide open and wonderful future.
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While we do acknowledge our students for their results, we want to acknowledge our students, for their growth as learners, the work they have done, the community they have built, and for the people they have become. And as they go, they take with them the opportunities and friendships that they developed along the way.
It is also important to acknowledge and congratulate the silent achievers, the students who finished despite adversity, who did better than they imagine, and who feature in our hearts if not on the lists. As Maria Popova puts it, “We move through the world as surfaces shimmering with the visibility of our accomplishments, the undertow of our suffering invisible to passers-by.” It remains a quiet joy to go through results carefully and celebrate the successes of all our students. Year 12, your teachers know those students who gave it their all, they are delighted for you, they are proud of you, and excited for what you will do next.
NSW HSC All Rounder
Congratulations to our NSW HSC All Rounder
Joshua achieved a result in the highest band (Band 6 or Band E4) in at least 10 units of study.
Joshua Pryor
ATAR 99.55
Engineering Studies
English Advanced
Mathematics Extension 1
Mathematics Extension 2
Mathematics Advanced (2023)
Snapshot of results
Students who achieved an ATAR of 90 or over
Joshua Pryor was one of our Duxes, graduating with an ATAR of 99.55
21 students received 23 nominations for HSC showcases across 7 subjects
Band 6/E4 results achieved by 48 students across all HSC courses in a cohort of 133
NBCS students with an ATAR of 80 or above
The percentage of Band 6 / E4 results across all HSC courses at NBCS
HSC Showcase Selection
Congratulations to Emily Iliffe whose Textiles and Design major work was selected for the SHAPE Showcase.
Emily Iliffe
NBCS High Achievers by ATAR
Fernando Gonzalo
Molly Nunn
Robbie Tipton
Teagan Bragg
Connor Dalton
Leo Edmunds
Ella Browning
Oscar Donnelly
A chat with 2024 Duxes
Fernando Gonzalez and Joshua Pryor were named as Dux of the School, equal, for 2024.
Fernando shares his memorable school experiences and how NBCS has helped shape his character and future.
Tell us about your time at Northern Beaches?
I joined in Year 6, I found good friends, and as I progressed throughout the years, I ended up becoming friends with almost everyone.
Physics is your favourite subject. Will you continue with it?
I’ll probably go into engineering. I see more opportunity in that to excel and create new things. I haven’t made up my mind on what type of engineering, but aeronautical engineering is super niche, and super interesting.
What other activities have you been involved in?
In the past, I’ve represented the school at State level in swimming. I compete on a national level which requires a lot of training. At the peak of my training, I’ll do eight 1.5 to 2-hour sessions per week.
What’s your favourite co-curricular activity?
CSSA Cross-Country. It’s a lot of fun because it’s a team effort. We all get hyped up for it and support each other.
How do you manage your time?
I usually try to work as quickly as possible in class to get it done. I’ll stay at the library after school if I need something done, or I work long hours on the weekends.
How has Northern Beaches Christian School shaped you?
NBCS has taught me to focus on being on the cutting edge, like the bleeding edge. I want to be working on new things in all the fields I’m doing; I want to be at the front of science and technology. I have learnt to give everything a go, find your passions and be the best you can be.
What advice would you give someone starting Secondary?
Get into the habit of studying early. Don’t burn yourself out but know how and when to put effort in. If you start early, you know what it’s like in the important times that really matter.
Joshua shares with us his experiences of student leadership, Year 12 and learning at NBCS.
Joshua, what’s your favourite subject?
I like Maths the most. After that, it’s between physics and engineering. I’m hoping to do engineering at UNSW or Sydney Uni. I’m interested in aerospace engineering, because it involves the most applied maths.
How did you like doing accelerated Maths in Year 11?
I enjoyed the accelerated program. There is a certain degree of maturity you need but you feel the rewards in Year 12.
What was the transition to Year 12 like?
I came off the back of a solid Year 11, so I wasn’t nervous. I felt like I had built up good practices, which I could keep up throughout Year 12. Getting on top of things early was beneficial. It allowed me more time and preparation and reduced the stress load.
Highlights of your school life?
One of the most memorable events at school was the Great Barrier Reef Student Opportunity Week trip. I had never been there before or done snorkeling. Going into the rainforests was amazing.
How has your student leadership experience been?
The most intense thing was organising and running the House Olympics competition. I wanted to grow in my leadership skills, especially public speaking. Being able to stand up in front of the entire Philip House is one of the first times where I’ve been in front of a large crowd and felt completely fine.
What advice would you give Year 11 students?
Get on top of things early and remain organised and consistent. In Year 12, the teachers say, ‘The holidays are not holidays,’ but people still assume they are and leave things to the last week.
Have you felt supported at School?
What I found beneficial at NBCS is the amount of support teachers give you and how far they will go to help you grow and learn and develop. It’s something that I’ve had since Year 7, and I have really appreciated it.
HSC Showcase Major Works
Discover the major works and performances by students in Textiles, Design & Technology, Industrial Technology, Drama, Music, Extension Science, Society and Culture and Visual Art.
Discover our School
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