Upcoming Dates for NBCS School Tours
To give you the best possible experience, places are limited for prospective parents only and registration for tours is essential. Before registering for a School tour or Explore Kindy Morning, please watch the Virtual School Tour and consider the Current Enrolment Updates to understand if NBCS has a vacancy for your desired year of entry. This section is updated regularly with the most up-to-date intake information.
Our school tours usually take 45-60 minutes to complete. Please note that Primary and Secondary Tours run simultaneously on the selected date. Please only book for either a Primary or a Secondary tour.
For more information and all enrolment enquiries, please contact our Registrar by email on enrol@nbcs.nsw.edu.au or calling Reception on (02) 9450 1311.
Secondary Virtual School Tour
General Enquiries
The School Office is open Monday to Friday, 8:30am – 4:30pm.
Phone: (02) 9450 1311
Email: nbcs@nbcs.nsw.edu.au
Postal Address: PO Box 230, Terrey Hills NSW 2084 Australia
Street Address: 1 Echunga Road, Terrey Hills NSW Australia
ABN: 25 002 024 839
Our Location
The NBCS campus is located at 1 Echunga Road, Terrey Hills, adjacent to Kur-ring-gai Chase National Park. The school entrance is accessed via the roundabout at the end of Echunga Road.