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Upcoming Dates for NBCS School Tours

To give you the best possible experience, places are limited for prospective parents only and registration for tours is essential. Before registering for a School tour or Explore Kindy Morning, please watch the Virtual School Tour and consider the Current Enrolment Updates to understand if NBCS has a vacancy for your desired year of entry. This section is updated regularly with the most up-to-date intake information.

Our school tours usually take 45-60 minutes to complete. Please note that Primary and Secondary Tours run simultaneously on the selected date. Please only book for either a Primary or a Secondary tour.

For more information and all enrolment enquiries, please contact our Registrar by email on or calling Reception on (02) 9450 1311.

Secondary Virtual School Tour

General Enquiries

The School Office is open Monday to Friday, 8:30am – 4:30pm.

Phone: (02) 9450 1311
Postal Address: PO Box 230, Terrey Hills NSW 2084 Australia
Street Address: 1 Echunga Road, Terrey Hills NSW Australia

ABN: 25 002 024 839

Our Location

The NBCS campus is located at 1 Echunga Road, Terrey Hills, adjacent to Kur-ring-gai Chase National Park. The school entrance is accessed via the roundabout at the end of Echunga Road. 

Northern Beaches Christian School –
Where extraordinary journeys begin