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“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others.”

– 1 Peter 4:10

I often think about what students need by the time they leave school. As a school, we want them to take their place in the wider world, to contribute, to enjoy what life has to offer and to enrich the lives of others.

Education is bigger than academic outcomes because it’s about the whole person. The following are six things that in the partnership between school and home, we should develop in our students. VELCRO makes it easier to remember and reminds us that these are the things we want to stick.

Values: Our school values of Gratitude, Respect, Courage and Compassion will help our students navigate life and human interactions. They help direct our energies and our approach to others and self.

Effort: Without effort, very little of significance is achieved. Together we remind our students of the value and satisfaction derived from working hard, from giving things their best shot, from knowing that anything worthwhile in life, work or relationships requires our commitment and time.

Learning: The best definition of learning that I can manage is this: the ability to make sense of the unknown by connecting it to the known. In a world of much uncertainty, the more we know, the more readily we can interpret and make sense of it.

Character: Character is who we are when no one is looking. It is the essence of our selves. We understand that for our students, home and family are the key determinants of character, but at NBCS we have daily opportunities to work with students and support families in developing character.

Relationships: The quality of our relationships is at the heart of a successful and fulfilling life. The ability to relate to an array of people, to consider the needs of others, to be selfless, and to navigate from parent to peer in our teenage years is critical. As adults, whether parents or teachers, we help to create the space for this development to happen.

Opportunity: We aim to open the future to our students. We do this by providing opportunities along their school journey, the chance to try new things, to find and grow their loves, whether in Drama, Debating, Music, Sport, Poetry, Film, Robotics, Coding or Service. We launch our students into a world of opportunity through an education that enables them to make the most of what’s to come.

We are proud of our students. We enjoy, value, and appreciate our community. As a staff, we delight in the prospect of preparing our students for life today, tomorrow, and beyond. What they take with them is their education, which is who they are as well what they know.

Tim Watson