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We want our students to have as many opportunities for their future as possible, and success at school is one way to achieve this. Of course, we know that results are not the be all and the end all. The process and the outcome matter. The journey matters, as does the destination. The experience matters, as does the activity.  

Our key focus at school is on learning, and that is as it should be. But we also focus on the development of character and the development of effort for all our students.  

It will be this combination of learning, effort and character that will propel all our students into the most open future possible.  

Character is something that you can’t simply turn on. Likewise, effort. You have to build them both. It takes time and persistence to develop character, to become someone who is thoughtful, diligent, kind, considered and respectful. It takes time to become someone who knows what real effort looks like. While talent gets you in the room, character and effort keep you in it. 

Over the past few years, we have been pleased to see some Year 12 students receive significant scholarships and achieve significant success in work placements and apprenticeships. Students have received these opportunities because of the way in which they made the most of their time at school, within and beyond the classroom. It is often the rich and full experience of school life coupled with strong results that leads to scholarship offers. 

We don’t know what our students will end up doing, but we do know who they are becoming; young people of character and determination who can face the uncertainty of the future safe in the knowledge that as learners, they will be able to make sense of it. 

Tim Watson