Love Learning
News from Northern Beaches Christian School
Term 4, 2024
Tim Watson, Principal
From the Principal
One of our school values is compassion.
Compassion comes into English by way of the Latin root “passio” which means to suffer, paired with the Latin prefix “com”, meaning together, compassion is to suffer together.
Thomas Aquinas noted the inextricable link between suffering and compassion when he wrote: “No one becomes compassionate unless they suffer”.
Compassion is the ability to share suffering, to suffer alongside or to suffer with others. It has, over time, come to mean a deep concern for the wellbeing of others.
In our strategic plan and in the student diary, the focus on compassion is expressed as follows:
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“Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.” Ephesians 4:32
Compassion is relational. It involves noticing another person’s pain, reacting to their pain, and responding to ease or alleviate the pain. Compassion involves connection, care, and communication. Compassion focuses outward, with a desire for others to experience good things or to overcome adversity.
May we be those who meet the world with sweetness and substance even in the face of heartache and hardship. Compassion is one of the ways in which we can do this, creativity another.
Tim Watson
Year 12 on Graduation Day, 2024.
HSC Results and Nominations
NBCS HSC students received a whopping 23 nominations for the 2024 HSC showcases.
A nomination indicates that performances and major works caught the eye of markers as exemplary and reflecting high achievement.
Two students received double nominations, including Grace Barnes for an individual and a group performance for HSC Drama, and Toby McConnell for HSC Design and Technology and Visual Arts.
The major work of Textiles and Design student Emily Iliffe was selected for the HSC Shape exhibition – an incredible achievement.
In total, 21 students were nominated for HSC showcases across seven subjects.
“This is a significant number of nominations,” said Josh Young, Head of TAS at NBCS. “It reflects the excellent staff who have mentored them, fostering their creativity and helping them build their skills, and it also reflects the dedication of the students in producing such high calibre projects.”
All NBCS HSC students’ Major Works may be viewed at: Showcase 2024
View the full complement of NBCS HSC results, as well as student stories at: 2024 HSC Results
Inaugural dance showcase a success
With over 300 audience members, the atmosphere was electric as 45 talented dancers graced the stage.
The students delivered exceptional performances across various styles, including Jazz, Hip-Hop and Lyrical.
The NBCS dance program began in Term 2, 2024, and was immediately embraced by students across both Primary and Secondary, who enrolled in both recreational and competition classes.
The program has shown early success. In their first ever competition, the junior performance team entered an open age category and came in second place.
In 2025 both performance teams will compete at a variety of eisteddfods across Sydney. The program will also offer more classes including recreational hip hop and musical theatre.
Coordinator, Brooke Kelly says: “It’s exciting for the community to see what’s on offer at NBCS in terms of dance, and get a feel for the program’s development in 2025 as we expand the program with new classes and opportunities.”
Brooke Kelly, Dance Coordinator
New STEM building preview
We’re excited to share pictures of our new STEM building, due to officially open in 2025.
The bespoke, newly-built three-storey STEM Centre is home to laboratories, classrooms and seminar rooms as well as staff facilities. An outdoor classroom and greenhouse provide hands-on learning spaces.
“It’s an epic building,” says Head of Secondary, Drew Dickson. “It’s going to provide wonderful opportunities for students to engage in science and technology learning.”
Secondary Captains and Vice Captains with Mr Dickson and Mr Watson.
2025 School Leaders
Our Primary and Secondary leaders for 2025 have been announced.
Secondary School Captains Lily Masselos and Andrew Bartlett, together with Vice Captains Maya Koch and William Docherty, head up a team of 22 Prefects with responsibilities for different areas of student life including Sport, Academic, Wellbeing and more.
In Primary, Captains Elliot Murrell and Ella Hood will be working alongside Vice Captains Flynn Jauncey and Maeve Hawley, with responsibilities including public speaking, representing the school, and being part of School Tours.
Primary Captains and Vice Captains with Mrs Smith.
NBCS Registrar, Shannon Vescio.
Meet our new Registrar
Shannon Vescio is behind the Registrar’s desk, answering enquiries and ensuring a smooth enrolment process for our new families.
We were sad to farewell Kylie Campbell, who ably filled the role of NBCS Registrar for seven years, but we are delighted to welcome new Registrar Shannon Vescio to our team.
Shannon already has a strong bond with NBCS: she grew up in Terrey Hills and attended the School from pre-school to Year 12. These days she lives in Dee Why with her husband and much-doted-upon dog, Lenny.
“I have great memories of the school, from nap times in preschool, to my favourite subjects of Art and Music in high school,” she says.
Most recently Shannon has worked in an enrolments and family support role in the early childhood sector. She’s looking forward to answering enquiries and engaging with families throughout their enrolments process.
Contact Shannon Vescio with any questions about the School or the enrolment process.
Shannon Vescio, NBCS Registrar
Out of School Hours Care
TheirCare provides quality care for NBCS students, giving working parents peace of mind.
In 2024 we introduced TheirCare as our before and after school care provider. They do an excellent job in ensuring our students enjoy the playground and other play-based activities before and after school. The Before School Care program operates from 6.30am to 8.30am during the school term, with the After School Care program running from 3pm to 6pm. On pupil-free days, the service operates throughout the day from 7am to 6pm.
School Tours
School tours provide a great opportunity to view our world-class facilities, experience our unique learning environment, meet students and staff and ask any questions you may have about NBCS.
Join us in 2025
- Thursday 20th February 2025, 9:45am
- Tuesday 4th March 2025, 5:00pm – Twilight Tour
- Thursday 20th March 2025, 9:45am
- Thursday 15th May 2025, 9:45am
Enrolments Update
2025 and beyond
Applications welcome for all Primary year groups. Please contact the Registrar if you are seeking enrolment in 2025.
Year 7 – Enrolments are almost complete with limited remaining places.
Year 7 – Lengthy waitlist is in place, with applications being processed in 2025.
2028 and beyond
Year 7 – Applications open
We may have limited vacancies in other year groups in addition to those noted above. Please contact the Registrar at for further information.
Contact Us
Northern Beaches Christian School