Uniform Guide
School uniforms create an identity for a school and are an important part of being a student. Uniforms demonstrate belonging and foster a sense of pride in appearance, while removing student need to worry about their appearance. Research demonstrates that uniforms reduce peer pressure and increase attendance and participation rates.
At NBCS, our uniform is to look “smart” at all times, but options are also provided so that students can be comfortable while learning. Uniform items must be kept in good order. Faded, worn, torn or damaged uniform items will require replacement as requested.
Students may choose to wear either the Summer or Winter uniform at any time of the year, as is comfortable and as weather would suggest. The Uniform Guide contains detailed pictures and itemised uniform requirements.
Skirts and dresses must be no shorter than 5cm above the crease at the back of the knee when standing up straight. It might be helpful to bear in mind that when wearing jumpers or carrying backpacks, skirts and dresses can ride up.
Official Sport Uniform can be worn to and from School only on the specified sport days.
Secondary students need to wear their School Uniform to and from School on other days, changing into their Sport Uniform for their specific practical sport or PDHPE classes as required.
If students have practical sport classes twice in one day, separated by just one Learning Session, they may remain in their Sports Uniform for that middle lesson. Students may require black leather school shoes for practical lessons if/when scheduled on sports days.
Primary students can wear Sport Uniform on their PE day as well as their sport day. Sport badges can be sewn onto the tracksuit pants.
Students are permitted to wear plain navy scarves and NBCS navy beanie.
The soft-shell jacket and sports jacket can be worn with any uniform option. The NBCS rain jacket can only be worn if it’s raining. The rain jacket is not permitted at other times.
Students require three bags:
- Official NBCS Backpack
- Official NBCS Sports Bag (cannot be used in place of school bag)
- Official NBCS Tote Bag
Standard school shoes are the only shoes permitted with the School Uniform. Black sneakers, leather or otherwise, are not permitted. They must be:
- Black
- Leather
- Polishable
- Lace-up (Velcro or buckles are permitted for Stage 1 students)
- Heeled
Black-soled Clarks, Ascent or Lynx shoes are good examples of approved shoes. If your child sees a podiatrist or medical specialist owing to issues with orthodics, please ask them which type of school shoe will be most suitable, as sneakers are not permitted whether students wear orthotics or not.
Students are permitted to wear any colour sports shoes. They should be suitable for rigorous activity.
Make-up is not part of the NBCS uniform. Students will be required to remove any make-up at Student Reception. This includes false eyelashes, nail polish, false nails, gel, acrylic and shellac. Students will be asked to remove any covering on a natural nail.
Underclothes must not be visible either under or through the School Uniform. Students are not permitted to wear long sleeve tops under their short sleeve shirts/blouses.
Hair must always be well-groomed, all one natural colour and not have hair extensions. Collar-length hair must be tied up. Extreme styles (as deemed by the School) are not permitted. Hair elastics or clips can match the student’s natural hair colour, or be white or navy. Hair accessories are limited to the NBCS scrunchie, plain navy scrunchie, or navy and white ribbons. Students must be clean shaven.
Students can wear one earring in the lower lobe of each ear to School, with the following conditions:
- Earrings must be small (3mm max), round, silver, stainless steel or gold plain studs.
- Earrings are only permitted in the lower lobe and if worn, there must be one in each ear lobe.
- A clear plastic earring post may be worn to maintain another ear piercing, but no other earrings are permitted.
- No facial piercings, bars or ear spacers are permitted, whether plastic or otherwise.
Students must be able to remove the earrings at the request of staff if they are considered a safety hazard or if involved in practical lessons, PDHPE or sport. Students will only be able to have a new piercing arranged during the Christmas break to allow for the healing process, as they need to be able to remove non-uniform piercings for school. No other jewellery is permitted, aside from a wrist watch. Henna hand art, tattoos and temporary tattoos are not permitted.
NBCS has a hat for play policy, which operates all year round. NBCS slouch hats are required for Kindy – Year 2 students. NBCS slouch hats or sport caps are required for Primary students.
Secondary students are required to wear either an NBCS bucket style hat or sport cap during all outdoor activities. At recess and lunch, Secondary students must wear their hat unless they are in the shade.
Girls are able to wear any navy or black plain one-piece swimming costume to the NBCS Swimming Carnival.
Lost property is taken to Main Reception. Students are able to collect lost items from Main Reception where they are held for a limited time. There will be regular clear outs, where unnamed uniform and non-school uniform items will be sent to a local charity.
Small uniform items such as socks, tights and hats, are able to be purchased from Student Reception. These items will be billed to your School Fees Account. Cash can also be paid.
Students who are not wearing the appropriate uniform (such as incorrect socks, no or incorrect hat, or no apron) will be supplied with the correct uniform items from Student Reception. The cost of these items will be charged to their school fees account, including items that have been loaned and not returned.
Mobile phones, devices and laptops
Our mobile phone policy ensures that the focus of our students is on learning and relating with others in person.
When students arrive at school, either by car or bus, they are to remove their headphones/ear buds and turn off their phones.
From this point, students will not be able to use their mobile phone until the end of the school day. This includes using smart watches to send/receive text messages and/or calls. At the end of the school day, students will be able to turn on their phone in preparation for the journey home.
Students may still, from time to time, be given permission by their teacher to use their phone for educational purposes, but those times will be relatively rare. We understand that a lot of what students do on their phone can be done on their laptop, and we will be vigilant in monitoring this as relevant.
Laptops are for class use only and may not be used during recess and lunch.
If inappropriate phone use becomes an issue, then the following procedures will be followed:
a. If a student is found to be using their phone, they will be asked to take their phone to Student Reception for the remainder of the day. This will be logged on Compass and the entry triggers communication with home so that parents are aware that the phone has been handed in for the day.
b. Repeated incidents will result in students handing their phone into Student Reception at
the beginning of each day and collecting it before getting on the bus in the afternoon. This will be enacted by a member of the Wellbeing Team.
Parents wishing to relay an urgent/important message to their child during the day must contact Student Reception and the message will be relayed to the student. Their child will be able to see any texts or messages sent directly during the day when they turn on their phone at the end of the day.
Secondary students have been used to accessing their timetable through the Compass app.
All students will be issued with a physical copy of their timetable, which should be placed in their Student Diary. For any timetable changes, students will still be able to check changes, via Compass, the night before, or prior to, arriving at school. Room changes will be displayed on the screens in the City. Students can access Compass on their computers in class if they are using them.
For cafe purchases, students need to bring cards or cash, or set up an online account. More information will be available about this in the coming months. No phones are to be used to purchase items.
Phone use for medical purposes is allowed and approval for this can be gained through the school office so that teachers are made aware.
Students in Years 5-12 are required to bring a Personal Digital Device (PDD) for use in class. NBCS will take no responsibility for individual electronic devices. Parents are strongly encouraged to have insurance for damage/loss of these devices.
Link: Laptops and Digital Devices
The School community expects that any property or equipment owned either by the School or another student should not be damaged, stolen or re-located without the owner’s knowledge or consent. No student should ever interfere with the property of another student. Students who interfere with the property of another student may have their continued enrolment brought into question.
Students in Kindergarten to Year 4 regularly use school-owned iPads in class and are taught essential digital literacy skills. Students in Years 5-6 will be required to bring their own laptop.