First Day of School
Preparing for your child’s first day
We travel alongside families as they make these important decisions and we are on hand to answer any questions you may have.
Our process begins with an informal interview in Term 2 of the year before your child starts school. Parents and children will be invited to meet with an NBCS staff member so we can get to know your family and to give you the opportunity to ask any questions you may have about NBCS and starting school. There is also a Kindy readiness assessment during the interview.
Children who are offered a Kindergarten place are invited to return to NBCS in November for two Orientation mornings where the Kindergarten teacher begins building a relationship with them and facilitates friendships amongst the students. Year 6 buddies play a special role on these days and help the new Kindergarten students to sing, create and play.
Parents are invited to hear more about the Kindergarten program during this time, with a specific focus on what to expect in the early weeks. Once again, there is the opportunity for questions to be fielded by NBCS staff so that by the time the school year begins the following February, new families are feeling confident and connected to the NBCS community.
On the first day
The first day of kindergarten is usually a day or two after other students have returned to school.
We take celebratory photographs of the children and their families and welcome the students into class where they settle comfortably into the space with their teacher and an aide, and engage with learning activities.
Parents and carers are invited to morning tea where they have the opportunity to get to know each other and chat to the Principal, Head of Primary and other staff.