An extract from “A Diary of Private Prayer” by John Baillie.
Lord forgive me for:
My apathy towards wrongs that do not impact me, and my sensitivity to those that do.
My slowness to see the good in others and to see the flaws in myself;
My hard-heartedness towards the faults of others and my readiness to make allowances for my own
It is easy to be acutely aware of the faults of others and at the same time, entirely blind to our own. A gift from a colleague, I am really enjoying Baillie’s book, and the opportunity to stop and pray, reminded of God’s character and my ongoing need for grace and growth.
Baillie’s book is one of nine that I have set myself as professional reading this term – one per week. I am not sure if the target is ambitious or foolish, but am happy to report that by the end of the first week of term, I had at least caught up on my professional reading for term one, and begun on this term’s pile. It contains works on education, leadership, learning, character, community and Christian living.
When I have the privilege of watching our students compete in sport it is pleasing to witness their sportsmanship and teamwork, as well as their respect for match officials.
The thing I love most about education? It’s about people. And running a close second? The variety of activities and opportunities that schooling provides for our students, from the academic to the artistic, from service to sport, from cultivating to creating, from belonging to building, from connection to collaboration, all in the process of being and becoming.
Tim Watson