Organising and running events such as carnivals and camps is part and parcel of the job of those who work in schools. And yet it comes on top of other activities in which teachers are engaged. I am grateful to the staff of NBCS who work hard to provide their students with learning opportunities at school and in the academic domain and beyond school and in the fullest sense of learning. Activities like those across next week provide students with the chance to get to know themselves better.
Building character is a key element of the work we do in schools. The best definition of character I have come across is this: it’s who we are when no one’s looking. Most of us find it easy to do the right thing around others, particularly if we respect them, or are responsible to them. And yet, the ability to do the right thing when those people are not around is the measure of growing maturity.
I am delighted to see the myriad ways that our students demonstrate character and maturity. Our job, as parents and teachers, is to encourage, correct and train young people so that they are equipped to be people of steadfast character, people for others, at all times.
Tim Watson