As the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater, so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.
Isaiah 55:10-11
I want to share with you the words of Board Chair, Professor Rosemary Johnston, writing in our Annual Report…
“The Board had identified four key aspects to ensure the highest quality education:
- stable governance which supports the school’s operation;
- that the Christian ethos of the school remains consistent and valid
- that the school’s academic mission is supported at every level
- that NBCS has its place as a leader in educational excellence, and that its graduates are equipped to meet the challenges of the world in which they will live and work.
These principles have provided strong guidance – and indeed inspiration – as we move through the year.
We live in uncertain educational times, with many unknowns. But we are built on two wonderful foundations – the enlightening foundation of education, and the empowering foundation of faith. These are encapsulated in our school’s mission, slogan and ethos: Excellence in Education, Christianity in Action.
‘Excellence in Education’ stresses that all children and young people entrusted to the school’s care are encouraged to develop and grow, and not only to realise potentials but to have a personal readiness of attributes and skills that will equip them for their life beyond school.
‘Christianity in Action’ means that Christian values not only permeate but are an active and real part of everything we do – teaching and learning, playing, pastoral care, school management, and personal interactions. Put together, these mean that excellence in education is strengthened by the integrity that comes from clearly articulated Christian values in day-by-day practice.
NBCS is a school always on the move, alPrinciples that guide and inspire ways growing in achievements, straining towards excellence. But most of all it is a school where a sense of hope is part of everyday practice and everyday relationships. The school wants to work alongside students, parents and community in nurturing and developing young people who are hope-full, and who will breed hope as they grow to take their place in Australian society, and indeed become its future leaders.”
To Professor Johnston’s words, I add my own: “We look forward, it is what educators do. With families, staff and students, we envision and create the future. We are grateful for a warm and engaging community, we look forward focusing on learning with high expectations, wellbeing through a culture of positive interactions, opportunities that expand horizons, the authentic expression of Christian life, and the growth and support of staff.”
Tim Watson